2023 Thinking Day 活動報告(3)
<Thinking Dayとは?>
毎年1月31日は、コスモスで設定した特別な日「Thinking Day」です。
この特別な Thinking Day を実施した講師たちの中から3名にレポートを書いてもらいましたので、そのレポートをここで紹介したいと思います。
2人目、鎌倉校でPRE代理講師/AS専任講師をしている Ms.Lenny!!

For Thinking Day, I made crêpes for the children to decorate and eat.
On February 2nd each year, we celebrate “La Chandeleur” during which we eat crêpes. This holiday celebrates the presentation of Jesus to the temple 40 days after his birth.
This tradition of eating crêpes was to remind us that the end of winter was approaching and that we still had food reserves left over to eat. Round and golden, the crêpes symbolize the sun. It is an old belief to flip the first crêpe a few times to keep away misfortune for this new starting year.
I wanted the students to try this delicious French food that French children are excited to eat this time of year. They decorated the crêpes with whipped cream, sprinkles, marshmallows and fruits and learnt how to fold the crêpe traditionally in its triangle shape.
We also wore the traditional béret hat during the workshop.