2022 Summer School Term5 活動報告
今回は Term5【8.22~ 8.26】の活動報告です!
Term 5 – Earth Blog Post – By Daniel
Hello hello! This is Daniel and this is what we did this past week in Term 5 of Summer School at Cosmos!
This week’s term theme was about “Earth” 🌏, specifically the all-encompassing wonder, the environment, animals, plants, and life that lived here millions of years ago and today. In our classes we explored a wide range of topics related to Earth’s place in the solar system and how life on Earth has changed and existed over thousands and millions of years. We also explored ways on how we can take better care of Earth now and in the future.
As Term 5 was about Earth which is the overall theme of this year’s Summer School at Cosmos “Wonder Earth”, my Pre 2 level class focused on reviewing previous term themes, vocabulary, and concepts that included “water” (Term 1), “trees” (Term 2), “insects” or “bugs” (Term 3), and “volcanoes” (Term 4). The poster craft activity we did reflected what Cosmos students have been learning about these past 5 weeks.
One of the major highlights of Term 5 was being able to visit the Yokosuka City Museum where we saw and learned about the natural history of the Earth both in and out of Japan. We saw insects, fossils, fish, squid, crab, snakes, butterflies, and a skeleton of an elephant. It was a fun and great experience for our young learners to get to know better about life on Earth now and in the past and hopefully make them more aware how truly connected we are with the Earth, its environment, animals, and ourselves as beautiful human beings. Exposing and imparting these themes, concepts and ideas, especially through English, which can be challenging but also fun, is so important in developing positive, pro-active, and internationally-minded children the world increasingly needs. Afterall, it will be these children who ultimately inherit this world from us adults and hopefully can do an even better job than us in taking care of and shaping a more peaceful, wonderous and beautiful world.
Thank you to all the parents and families for helping us at Cosmos make Summer School 2022 a big success! We look forward to future opportunities to explore the world in new and different ways through English. Hope to see you all there!
Have a safe and pleasant Autumn season!